
Showing posts from July, 2020

Conversation Suggestions and Offers (extracurricular)

OPEN RECRUITMENT EXTRACURRICULAR 2020 May                 : Hi Jack! Why do you look so terrible? Jack                  : I haven’t choose any extracurricular. I don’t know what’s my passion. May                   : Oh! Maybe I can help you to find your passion. First, you have to take a look on yourself. What are things that you like ? Jack                    : Hmm I guess I don’t like anything. May                   : Then what is your highest score in school subject? Jack                    : Either economy, science and math. May                   : Next, then what’s your goal in this senior high school? Jack                    : I want to implement what I studied, join many competition, and have a business. May                   : I’m suggesting you to join TRILOGI and OMK . Jack                    : What’s that? May                   : Just follow me! Jack and May go to TRILOGI stand. May                   : This is TRILOGI stand. Hi senior! May I a