Selasar Sunaryo Art Space (Place)


Selasar Sunaryo Artspace (SSAS),  was first built on 1992, but it was opened for public on 1998, It is an artspace that features art and culture. Every month, there's a different exhibition held in here. Located in Bukit Pakar Street, No. 100, it's not difficult to find this place. This artspace is 8KM away from SMAN 3 Bandung, and it took 30 minutes to go there by car. Ticket prices is around 25. 000 rupiah or around $1,75. It opens from 10.00 am until 17. 00 pm, and there is no limited visiting times.

If you want to go there, don't forget to follow the rules, rules are not made to be broken, so please respect yourself and follow through. The rules are made to provide an enjoyable experience for anyone who visits SSAS, such as, Don’t use professional camera, Do not bring food inside the gallery, put the trash on the trash bin and don’t be noisy.

The gallery is divided into several parts, the first one is Balai Tonggoh. In Balai Tonggoh there are Gallery A and Gallery B.  Beside the gallery, there are Selasar Coffee, Cinderamata, Side Room and Bale Handap.

Bale Tonggoh is a place that 100 Jahre Alt Deutscher Werkbund exhibition was held. It was an exhibition from Architecturmuseum von Tu München and Institut für Auslandbeziehung. The exhibition was opened on July 26th and closed on 18th August, 2019. 

The 100 years German Werkbund exhibition presenting an important round of 20th century German cultural and economic history. There are posters, models, furniture, designs, drawings, photography and showing various achievements of German werkbund. 

This exhibition is sorted by time of manufacture. In Gallery A, there are products from 1860 until 1907. In Gallery B, there are products from 1907 until 2007. 
Beside the Balai Tonggoh, there is Selasar Coffee. Selasar Coffee is a cafe that collaboration with Arromanis. And then there is a store that sells cute stuff, and really artistic  (and most of them are local brand) called Cinderamata. 

Side Room is a place that Common Good(s) exhibition was held. Common Good(s) is an exhibition that highlighting Indonesian culture. The products are handmade from Indonesia, like batik, furniture and mini figures.

Under the Side Room there is a traditional Sundanese house that looks beautiful called Bale Handap. It seems like amphitheatre. Bale Handap use for perfoming something, example theater.

SSAS was created by Drs. Sunaryo. He was born on 15th of May 1943 (Banyumas, Central Java). He was a graduated of The Fine Arts and Design Faculty (FSRD) of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). His career records are :
  1. Lecturer until 2008
  2. Started artist around 1960
  3. Directur of World Expo 1985 at Tsukuba, Japan
His creation means deep contemplation the relationship of human and nature, based on observations of the environmental disturbance. One of his award is "Chevalier dans I'ordre des arts et lettres" from Republic of France in 2017. His creation also exhibited in "Asian Contemporary Art Show", Fukuoka,Japan in 1980.

If you like arts, photography and history you must go to SSAS.

Selasar Sunaryo Art Space.ppt


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