
Showing posts from April, 2020

10 Productivity at Home

10 Productivity at Home During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government ordered work, study and pray from home. Me as a student, follow the government program with online study or study from home. It has been more than 1 month stay at home. In order to not to get bored, there are 10 productivity that I do at home. 1. Cook While at home, many recipes that I try to make. The recipes are dominated by vegetables because it can enhance body immunity which makes the body strong against viruses. The recipes that I made are spaghetti carbonara, various types of stir-fried vegetables dalgona coffee and others. All recipes are obtained from the internet and finally succeeded, so there's always a stock of food in the fridge while stay at home. I only left the house for go to the grocery shop. By cooking, I can learn not to give up and keep trying. 2. Work on assignments During study from home, the assignments are more than the usual. In almost every lesson, there are assignments.

Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19)

Corona Virus Disease 19 (covid-19) Virus COVID-19 atau lebih dikenal dengan Virus Corona adalah jenis virus yang dapat ditemukan pada manusia dan hewan. Virus ini menyerang organ pernafasan khususnya paru-paru serta imunitas tubuh. Oleh karena itu, o rang yang memiliki penyakit bawaan lebih mudah terkena virus COVID-19 karena virus ini dapat memperburuk keadaan mereka. Belum ada kepastian penyebab dari virus ini,namun kemungkinan besar penyebab dari virus ini adalah mengonsumsi hewan liar seperti trenggiling dan kelelawar dalam kondisi belum matang.  Saat kondisi seperti ini, terdapat 2 golongan pasien yaitu ODP (Orang Dalam Pengawasan) dan PDP (Pasien Dalam Pengawasan). Perbedaanya yaitu : - ODP = orang yang berinterkasi langsung dengan pasien posistif COVID-19 - PDP = orang yang positif terjangkit COVID-19 Bagi ODP, harus melakukan isolasi mandiri selama 14 hari. Sedangkan bagi PDP, harus segera dirujuk ke rumah sakit untuk mendapatkan tindakan lanjutan.  Ca