

Do you think social media is good for teenagers? Currently, the world population is 7.5 billion, 3.8 billion is Internet users and 2.8 billion are social media users. 1.8 billion of the world's population consists of 13-19 - year - old youths. On instagram alone, there are 500 million monthly users. Instagram users have spread more than 40 billion photos and spread an average of 95 million photos and videos a day. Snapchat has 166 million daily users. While adults also use some social media, youths make up the majority of their users. In every case, there must be positive and negative impacts. The social media impact on today's generation becomes larger and larger every day. For the positive impact, namely facilitating communication between friends and family, making it easier for us to explore new things, adding insight and simplifying our work. These benefits are obtained because in social media, we can access information easily from anywhere and anytime. While the negative i

Curriculum Vitae

In this video, I'll explain the meaning, function, and structure of a cover letter for a job application and a cv. There is also an example of cv. Thank you🙏🏻 Video

A Lemon-powered Light🍋 (Procedure Text)

  A Lemon-powered Light🍋 by: Aisha Akta Medina & Nesya Callista Putri Materials Four lemons (the more lemons we use, the more power can be generated) A small-and-low voltage LED light bulb  Four coppers Galvanized nails (the same number as the number of lemons used), means that it’s coated in Zinc. Two electrical wires or alligator clips Tools A wire cutter Instruction Roll and squeeze the lemons a little bit by hand to release the juice inside. Prepare the wires (cut the copper wire into four 6-inch lengths. Strip about 1 inch of insulation from both ends of each wire. These will become the electrodes) Insert electrodes into a lemon (In each lemon, make two holes, insert 1 nail and 1 small strip of copper wire. Leave a small secti on in each one out for the electrical wires to connect) Create Four Lemon Batteries ( Using an electrical wire, connect the nail in one lemon to the copper strip in another lemon. Do this to each lemon to form a chain), To get a higher voltage with your

Recommendation Letter

 Recommendation Letter Dear Admissions Committee, I’m Nesya Callista Putri want to recommend one of my friends, Aisha Akta Medina, to continue her studies at Computer Science in the School of Electrical and Informatics ITB. She’s been close to me since the first year in high school. She has a passion for math and computer science. She is very diligent to discover her own potential skill. She’s one of the competitors that you have to look at. She is precise, fast learner and have a huge curiosity especially on computer technology. As her friend, I’m believe that she would make a big difference in society. Innovation is her number one priority. In summary, I’m sure that she could survive, evolve, and explore her passion. I’d recommend her to be part of your undergraduate program. If you don’t mind, you can contact me to for more further information. Sincerely, Nesya Callista Putri Student in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung

My Goal My Ambition

 My Goal My Ambition Hi! It's me again, Nesya Callista Putri. Now I'm about to tell you about my goals. Study at SMA Negeri 3 Bandung is one of my goals. Why I choose SMA Negeri 3 Bandung ? Because I think it can make me easier to reach my dream university. I want to be a doctor especially an internist. Maybe everyone thinks that choose SMA Negeri 3 Bandung to continue study because he/she wants to be an engineer. But I believe if someone have an intention and effort there will be a path to go through.  Now, why I want to be a doctor or an internist? Obviously I wanna help others and an internist is very useful and important in every health sector. An internist can treat almost all of organ issues, such as treat an infections, allergies, etc. To make my dreams come true, I would choose Medical School at Padjajaran University. I choose Padjajaran University because my parents don't allow me to school outside Bandung and this university graduate has been proven.  But I know t

Conversation Suggestions and Offers (extracurricular)

OPEN RECRUITMENT EXTRACURRICULAR 2020 May                 : Hi Jack! Why do you look so terrible? Jack                  : I haven’t choose any extracurricular. I don’t know what’s my passion. May                   : Oh! Maybe I can help you to find your passion. First, you have to take a look on yourself. What are things that you like ? Jack                    : Hmm I guess I don’t like anything. May                   : Then what is your highest score in school subject? Jack                    : Either economy, science and math. May                   : Next, then what’s your goal in this senior high school? Jack                    : I want to implement what I studied, join many competition, and have a business. May                   : I’m suggesting you to join TRILOGI and OMK . Jack                    : What’s that? May                   : Just follow me! Jack and May go to TRILOGI stand. May                   : This is TRILOGI stand. Hi senior! May I a

10 Productivity at Home

10 Productivity at Home During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government ordered work, study and pray from home. Me as a student, follow the government program with online study or study from home. It has been more than 1 month stay at home. In order to not to get bored, there are 10 productivity that I do at home. 1. Cook While at home, many recipes that I try to make. The recipes are dominated by vegetables because it can enhance body immunity which makes the body strong against viruses. The recipes that I made are spaghetti carbonara, various types of stir-fried vegetables dalgona coffee and others. All recipes are obtained from the internet and finally succeeded, so there's always a stock of food in the fridge while stay at home. I only left the house for go to the grocery shop. By cooking, I can learn not to give up and keep trying. 2. Work on assignments During study from home, the assignments are more than the usual. In almost every lesson, there are assignments.